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06.Title: Heart Sutra Obi Belt



  • 明治時代(1868-1912)に織られた帯。仏事の時に使用。

  • 縦30cm x 長さ408cm。

  • 黒地に金文字で般若波羅蜜多が描かれ、一方で裏は白地に銀糸で同じく文字がかかれています。黒い喪服には黒地の面を使用し、白い喪服のときは、白い面の帯をしめられます。リバーシブルで実用的な帯です。 



​今でこそ、近親者のお葬式に、黒色の喪服を着る習慣は少なくなりましたが、昔は、黒色の着物でお葬式参列しました。葬儀でのお坊様は、般若心経を歌うように言葉を長く伸ばしながら、唱えます。葬儀での読経の目的は、死者を思い、安らかな旅たちを願うことであります。祖父(牛島 慶二)の時は、祖母がこの帯を締め、父の時は母がこの帯を締めて、見送りました。この帯は、数々の先祖を見送りました。代々、引き継がれた大事な帯です。


This Obi Belt was woven in the Meiji era (1868-1912). It was used for Buddhist ceremonies.

30cm long x 408cm wide.

The black clothing fabric is decorated with gold characters from the Heart Sutra, whereas the back side has the same characters in silver on white fabric. When wearing black mourning attire, the black side of the obi belt is made visible, and when wearing white mourning clothes, the white side of the obi belt is used. This obi belt is reversible and practical.

Memories of the Heart Sutra and Obi Belt;

Nowadays, the custom of wearing black mourning attire for funerals of close relatives has become less common. However, in the past people attended funerals in black kimonos. During these funerals, monks chanted the Hear Sutra, elongating the words long as if they were singing. The purpose of chanting at funerals is to remember those who have passed away and wish them a peaceful journey. When my grandfather, Keiji Ushijima, passed away, my grandmother wore this obi belt. Likewise, when my father passed away, my mother wore this obi belt to bid him farewell. This obi belt has seen off many of my ancestors. It is an important heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation.

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